Author: Anonymous Desi

This article was written by a deeply mysterious desi who prefers to stay in the shadows.

racism, India, black, america

Musings on Racism and Indians in America


Somewhere between 2016 and 2017, there were these incidents reported in the news, and they stuck with me: A grandfather from India, was visiting his son in the States. While walking in his neighborhood, someone reported him, and the police arrived and tackled him to the ground for not knowing...

Canadian immigration, immigration, jobs, employment

Canada’s Immigration Policy – A Road to Mass Poverty


The world sees that Canada’s immigration policies are inclusive and good. Although, ideologically it is an inclusive policy, practically it spells disaster! I am no sociologist or economist, but a regular working guy, who happens to have access to information of common people’s bank accounts, which tells me a lot...

brown beard, racism, airport, america

I don’t want to shave my fucking beard!


As a conspicuously brown salesman in America, I am sometimes exposed to differential treatment. This treatment is born sometimes out of skepticism, sometimes out of arrogance and sometimes out of pure hate. This treatment is sometimes sub-conscious, sometimes latent and sometimes purposefully made evident. For a country that has championed...

Having a connection – is really over rated!


The reason I am writing this post is because I feel I must write it for the sake of a lot of people, especially women, looking for that ‘perfect’ one.  There are quite a few stories on this already and some are on this very blog as well, but none...

Where should I be as a dog?


Coming from India where street dogs usually chase you; it is not uncommon to be scared of dogs. And some dogs do look scary for a lot of us who are unfamiliar with them. But I was almost ‘forced’ into loving a dog due to my roommate, who just one...

Are women really feminists?


Recently I read a blog here about South Asian men having a problem in calling themselves feminists and this post is a further analysis of this phenomenon. But before we even get into men having a problem calling themselves feminists, there are enough women who have the exact same problem. Or...

Hyderabad: We are more than just Biryani!


As someone who feels more at home in Hyderabad than anywhere else in the world, I obviously want my city to demand the same amount of awe as some of the bigger cities. When people say “I am from Mumbai” or “I am a Delhi girl” or “I grew up...

How I was taken for a ride as an immigrant!


The world was hazy when I landed in Toronto. It was my first flight out of my country and I did not know anyone at all in Toronto. Through the Consulate in India I had found a person who was supposed to pick me up. He didn’t reach for almost...

How marriage dehumanizes women


There is a lot said about marriage, all over and most single people “want” to be married because the world does get lonely sometimes, is the feeling. When I was single that’s how I felt and I know a lot of my single friends feel the same. A lot of...

Is “Monsoon Wedding” a foreign language film?


Image courtesy: This list features one “Indian” film in its list of Best foreign films so far – Monsoon Wedding and is perhaps as Indian as Slumdog Millionaire? This is a really confusing terrain because Mira Nair is a Hollywood director or is she not? But that apart, there...

The story of clean poop!


It’s not until a desi hits the American shore that s/he has to change the way they poop. From having clean and wet butts after pooping, the desi now suddenly has to get used to having a dry and dirty butt, because it never feels completely clean with that toilet...

How marriage changes the nature of friendships


Making friends was never really seen as a problem, in fact it never crossed my mind that it would ever become a problem, because all through school and college, I always had friends around and all the time. When I graduated, my friend circle did reduce but they were still...

Faking to be desi!


“We are all colonized”, is a statement frequently heard in most literature or arts classes. But there is a world of difference in saying it and realizing that the mind is actually colonized. The very people who say it would like recognition from England or America in their endeavors, and...

I am a bad negotiator and a home-maker. Guess who I am?


A woman! There are now several studies and articles about how women in various service industries are under-paid as compared to their male counterparts. There are also studies on women being bad negotiators of salary and how they are victims of patriarchy. There is also set of people that say...

21 years and two and half hours later…


Image Courtesy: In a completely new city and a new country, we almost recreated old times – not exactly, but just by memory. Her tiny tot carried a pony with wings that immediately caught my attention – that was as magical as the event itself, meeting someone after 21...

Are Desi kids badly behaved?


Once a friend said, “Desi kids and dogs are both badly behaved!” when we mentioned that we need to train our dog more. In a couple of months she did end up a reasonably trained dog although she prefers to come to us only after we call her 4-5 times,...

Aren’t we done with ‘Gurufying’ people yet?


In India the concept of Guru is very deep-rooted, guru comes before God and is to be venerated so. In the “Golden ages” the gurus were great sages who dedicated their lives to meditation in their art or skill and gained immense knowledge of the universal truths that we now...

US: A breath of fresh air


I moved to the USA from India after getting married in 2009. I thought life in a new place will be tough without family and friends. But I was not scared. I was super excited to be with my husband, totally in love with him. My parents were crying at...